December 24: Emmanuel, God With US

Jen Denton, Communication Coordinator

“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and will call him Emmanuel.”

Isaiah 7:14

A few years ago I needed a surgical procedure. While relatively routine, I understandably had a bit of apprehension. The morning of my surgery, with my anxiety peaking, my surgeon arrived to answer my last-minute questions and address any concerns. However, immediately upon entering, his phone rang. “Excuse me,” he said, stepping outside to take the call. A few minutes later, he returned with an apologetic smile. “I’m so sorry,” he said. “That was my daughter. Her goldfish just died, and she really needed to hear from Daddy.”  

His words struck me in a way I hadn’t expected. I didn’t feel dismissed, in fact, it was in that moment that any remaining fear faded. Here was a man about to perform surgery, yet he didn’t dismiss his child’s need to hear the voice of her father. Instead, he paused everything to bring her comfort. I knew I was in the hands of someone who not only had the skill to meet my needs but also the compassion to care about the details. He understood the importance of being present..

Isaiah 7:14, a prophecy given during a time of fear and uncertainty for Israel, reminds us of the profound truth of Christmas—God is not distant or detached. In sending Jesus, God came near to us. Emmanuel means "God with us," a promise that God steps into our stories, not just in times of great need or desperation but in the small, intimate details of life.

Just as my surgeon’s presence and compassion calmed my fears, the presence of Emmanuel assures us that we are seen, loved, and never alone. In every moment of waiting, fear, or uncertainty, God is with us—offering the peace and comfort of an ever-present Father. 

This truth extends well beyond Christmas! His promise to be our constant source of hope and security is not limited to a singular season, or day of celebration. In every moment—big or small—He is with us, offering His peace, His love, and His presence. Always.

Heavenly Father, may we draw near to you as you draw near to us. Remind us of your promise to meet us in the midst of every moment. You are Emmanuel, God with us!