LCC Spotlight: Erin Pickering
You may know LCC’s staff members, but do you really know them? In this blog series, you will find out more about the people who serve on LCC’s staff. From their favorite food to their favorite Bible verse, some of their answers may surprise you! This week meet Erin Pickering, LCC’s Adult Ministries director.
Erin Pickering, LCC’s Adult Ministries director
Write your bio in three sentences:
Christ-follower | Wife to Dony | Adventure Seeker | Chips and Guacamole Addict | Dog Owner | Artist | Wants to dive with Great White Sharks!
What’s the weirdest or most interesting job you have ever had?
I was an education/conservation specialist at the South Carolina Aquarium for a few years right out of college. I was always doing public interactive shows with live animals, like handling alligators.
What job would you like to have if you were not working in ministry?
I would like to work as an underwater photographer for Discovery Channel for Shark Week.
Where is your favorite place to be?
Greece (the island of Andros) or anyplace with my family.
What is your favorite book?
“The Girl of the Limberlost.” It was the first adult book I ever read. It was passed down to me from my mom and my great-grandmother.
What is your favorite movie?
My all-time favorite movie is “The Sting,” followed by the Star Wars Saga (the original three).
What kind of music do you listen to?
I literally listen to all types of music. It depends on my mood.
What is your favorite food?
What is your favorite thing about living in the Lowcountry?
Watching the dolphins break the water when the water is still like glass.
What is your favorite Bible verse and why?
Jeremiah 6:16: “This is what the LORD says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.’”
I love this verse because, during a time in my life when I was weary and tired and didn’t know where to go or what to do, this became my mantra—that I would find rest for my soul by walking in the path God has. It alleviated the idea that I had to have it all figured out. It reminded me that God directs my steps.
Briefly tell us about your role at LCC …
I serve as the Adult Ministries director at the church. I have the wonderful opportunity to focus in on discipleship, small group ministry, and new believers.
How have you seen or experienced God at work in your ministry?
We have some amazing things coming up over the next year and just watching the Lord unfold the opportunities has been beyond humbling. Again, it goes back to my favorite verse (see above). If you just apply that to every area of your life, and let Him lead, you will be amazed at what He does. That is where I find myself. Just in awe of watching Him open the doors beyond my wildest imagination. So get ready LCC, it’s going to be fun!
What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
I play more than 14 instruments and have 17 years of vocal (singing) training.