4 Ways to Live as a Godly Spouse Straight from the Bible
by Erin Pickering
(First of a four-part series on Living Relationally)
We started a series at LowCountry Community Church called "Living Relationally," in which we’re exploring what the Bible says about living as Godly spouses, parents, grandparents, and single adults.
In the first message from the series, Pastor Jeff broke down Genesis 2:18-25 to show what the Bible says about living as a Godly spouse.
1. Equal but Different
From the beginning, marriage was God’s idea. Genesis 2:18 states, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.” God’s design for marriage is rooted in companionship and partnership. While men and women are equal in value and worth, they are inherently different in their thoughts, feelings, and actions. These differences are meant to complement and complete each other, rather than create competition. The term "helper" used in Genesis signifies strong support and alliance, similar to how God is described as our helper in the Psalms. This reinforces the idea that women are specially designed by God to fulfill a unique role in the marital relationship.
In creating Eve from Adam’s rib, God designed men and women to be equal in value but different in function. As Matthew Henry aptly put it, “Not made out of his head to top him, not out of his feet to be trampled upon him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved.” This profound equality, paired with intentional differences, is crucial for a harmonious marriage.
2. Completing, Not Competing
Marriage is about completing each other, not competing against one another. God created marriage to be an exhilarating adventure, not an irritating or nauseating experience. When Adam first saw Eve, his reaction was one of joy and poetic ecstasy, recognizing her as a perfect match created by God. Husbands should view their wives not through the lens of fault-finding but as God’s perfect provision.
3. Leaving and Cleaving
In Genesis 2:24-25, practical principles for marriage are laid out. Husbands are instructed to leave their father and mother, which means more than just physically leaving; it involves forsaking old dependencies and prioritizing their relationship with their wife. The term "cleave" means to stick together like glue, fostering a deep, united partnership.
Marriage requires enjoying each other completely. The Genesis description of a couple being "one flesh" and "naked and not ashamed" symbolizes total vulnerability and openness. This involves sharing bodies, emotions, insecurities, hopes, and dreams without barriers.
4. Embracing God's Design
To build a strong marriage, spouses must trust God’s design and apply His principles. Leaving distractions behind and sticking together through life’s challenges will enable marriages and families not just to survive but to thrive.
Seek God’s guidance and wisdom in your marriage, trusting His perfect design and principles to lead towards a fulfilling and thriving partnership.
Erin Pickering is the Adult Ministry Director at LowCountry Community Church
Watch the full message below, or listen to the message audio.