Being a mom is an incredible blessing. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy.
Did you know that 90% of moms report feeling lonely? It doesn’t have to be this way. You need other moms who understand what you’re going through and can help you navigate the challenges of motherhood. You’re invited to get connected to other moms who get you at the Gather Moms Conference at LowCountry Community Church September 13-14, 2024. You’ll leave the Gather Moms Conference feeling seen, refreshed, and reinvigorated toward your mission as a mom!
Momming is hard.
Link arms with other moms who get you and who will encourage you in your motherhood!

Featured Speakers:
Jenny is a mom of two, a CPA and a pastor’s wife. She started Gather Moms in 2017 when her son went to kindergarten and she met moms who were looking for community and for help to mom well. She started her own accounting firm that is made up of moms who want to support their families and also be present with their children.
Rebecca is the biggest cheerleader for her family of three. You can find her at all of their events ringing her cowbell and she does that for the women in her life, too. It is her great joy to share authentically how Jesus is meeting her every need and she passes along that wisdom with humor and grace. Her husband is a pastor and they faithfully serve their church together.
Kate is a mom of 3 who loves getting to serve moms and pass along the wisdom that has been passed to her. It is her greatest hope that women live with freedom and purpose and helps women find that in Jesus. She loves her local church and serves alongside her husband who pastors there.