LowCountry Community Church | Bluffton, SC

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Marriage: Covenant Or Contract

Our culture views marriage as a contract, a legal agreement based on mutual distrust. God’s design for marriage is for it to be a covenant based on mutual commitment.


Malachi 2:13-14 (NASB)

13 And this is another thing you do: you cover the altar of the Lord with tears, with weeping and sighing, because He no longer gives attention to the offering or accepts it with favor from your hand. 14 Yet you say, “For what reason?” Because the Lord has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously, though she is your marriage companion and your wife by covenant.

Ephesians 5:21 (NASB)

21 And subject yourselves to one another in the fear of Christ.

Psalm 34:3 (NASB)

3 Exalt the Lord with me, And let’s exalt His name together.


  • Finish the following sentence: Marriage is...

  • What are some wrong ideas people have about marriage these days?

  • In this week’s sermon, Pastor Jeff gave a snapshot of what the Bible teaches about marriage. He said: God created marriage and blessed it. Marriage is used as a representation for the relationship between God and His people. Marriage is the only legitimate place for sex. Marriage is intended to be a lifelong commitment. Marriage is not mandatory. Marriage is not defined or ordained by us. Marriage is a covenant, not a contract. Which of these statements stands out to you the most or challenges your way of thinking? Why?

  • Why were the people of Judah weeping and groaning before God?

  • Why did the Lord no longer respect the people’s offerings?

  • When you hear the word “covenant,” what comes to mind? How would you define that word?

  • Where in these verses do you find evidence that marriage is a covenant not a contract?

  • All of us have broken commitments in some aspect of life, even if it was unintentional. None of us have served our loved ones flawlessly. What is the proper response when we realize we have fallen short?

  • As believers, how can we rely on God’s faithfulness to help us fulfill our commitments?

  • How would you define submission?

  • Who is addressed in this verse?

  • What reason are we given to submit to one another?

  • Where do we get the power to do this?

  • Why do we tend to think submitting to another person is an assault on our dignity?

  • Where in this passage do you find evidence that marriage is a covenant, not a contract?

  • How is Jesus’ work on the cross an example of submission for us?

  • What benefit is submission to you if you are married? What value does this verse have for you if you aren’t married?

  • How does this verse challenge or encourage you in your current relationships?

  • Pastor Jeff pointed out that you should run toward God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength as you pursue Him above anyone and anything else. How would doing this bring joy and fulfillment in a marriage? How would it bring joy and fulfillment to a person who is not married?

  • How would you counsel someone who is in a marriage where they are exalting the Lord but their spouse is not? How would you counsel someone who is in a dating relationship where they are exalting the Lord but their significant other is not?


  • Refer back to your answer given in the introduction. Based on today’s study, how would you now finish the sentence that begins, “Marriage is... “?

  • What changes would take place in your life this week if you were to truly live as though “It’s not about me, it’s about we. And then we serving He”?

  • What is something you hope to learn or apply in these next several weeks of our teaching series, “What Happy Couples Know”?


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