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Communion Sunday

  • Lowcountry Church 801 Buckwalter Parkway Bluffton, SC, 29910 United States (map)

Communion is a sacred time of remembering what Christ did for us on the cross. (Romans 5:8)

When we break the bread, it is a symbolic representation of when Jesus’ body was broken for us. As we receive the bread, we thank Jesus for allowing His body to be broken for us. (Matthew 26:26)

When we drink the juice, we are symbolizing Jesus’ shed blood, which, according to the Bible, washed away our sins. As we drink, we thank Jesus for allowing us to be forgiven and made new through His sacrifice. (Matthew 26:27-28)

At LCC, we want to use what we have to help others. Each time we receive communion we practice this value of serving with a Church Family Emergency Fund called a Benevolence Offering. 100% of the money given to this fund provides financial help to LCC families going through an unplanned, unexpected crisis. You can give to this fund online or at the giving kiosks on Communion Sunday.

We know that needs aren’t always financial. If you’re struggling and need prayer, there is a special time of prayer available in the Student Auditorium after each Communion service. There will be staff and elders there waiting to pray for you.

Earlier Event: March 26
Senior Adult Lunch
Later Event: April 3
Pre-K Meetup: Rita's